Oncology Massage
Oncology Massage
Oncology Massage is a very light and relaxing massage specifically tailored for people with cancer.
It can be given at varying stages of cancer, including chemotherapy, after radiation, pre- and post-surgery, and for those recovering from treatment or in remission, and anyone at risk of lymphoedema.
It is a safe form of massage that allows people to be nurtured and feel more positive about their bodies.
Tumor or treatment sites, and areas where medical devices are in place, will not be massaged to avoid discomfort or too much pressure on the affected area or underlying organs.
What are the benefits of oncology massage
Scientific studies have been done to show the effects of various body-based practices on people undergoing cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery. These studies have shown that massage may:
Improve sleep
Reduce fatigue, pain, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting
Increase energy and appetite
Provide a better outlook on life and reduce depression
Strengthen the immune system – stimulation of the immune system by increasing blood flow and improving circulation, and increasing mobility
Aid in the repair of scar tissue
Provide some relief from constipation
What makes it different from a regular massage
The massage will be tailored specifically for you.
A detailed health history will be completed, including the type of cancer you have (or had), your treatment (past, present, future), medical devices, lymph node involvement, medications, and treating specialist.
Pressure will be modified to a very light, relaxing level, and the length of time of the massage will be reduced while we find your “new normal.”
Positioning and comfort will be modified to accommodate surgical sites, radiation sites, and medical devices for your comfort.
This massage is deeply relaxing and nurturing and will restore your sense of well-being.
It may consist of several different modalities, including bone marrow support, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, and cranio-sacral therapy, depending on your needs at the time of your booking.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve heard that massage can spread cancer.
Massage DOES NOT cause cancer to spread.
Cancer spreads (metastasis) into the lymphatic system via the lymph nodes, or it may start in the lymphatic system itself. However, the circulation of lymph – from massage or other movement – does not cause cancer to spread. Researchers have shown that cancer develops and spreads because of changes to a cell’s DNA (genetic mutations) and other processes in the body.
I am in the middle of treatments and have a medical device (portacath, PICC line).
As long as you are up to leaving your home and have the all-clear from your medical team, you can safely receive massage.
We are trained to work safely around your medical devices and surgical sites. You will be positioned on the massage table in a safe and comfortable way to allow you to reap the benefits of a nurturing massage.
Please tell us where you are in your treatment regimen and what medications/infusions you are receiving so we can safely massage you (all patients will fill out a medical history form, and a consultation will occur before your first and subsequent sessions).